Benefits of the Remarkable 2 tablet over pen and paper

If you are an avid notetaker, you know how difficult if can get to have the right notebook at the right time, jotting everything down and then finding all of your notes. Fortunately, eInk tables are helpful for all of us out here to carry less and stop losing our notes. Here, at Planning Atlas, we are dedicated users for the Remarkable tablet and believe it has certain benefits over the traditional pen and paper method.

The Remarkable 2 tablet offers a number of benefits over using traditional paper and pen. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Digital storage: The Remarkable 2 tablet allows you to store your notes and drawings digitally, so you can access them easily and quickly without having to carry around a physical notebook. This makes it convenient for people who are always on the go and need to access their notes quickly.

  2. E-ink display: The Remarkable 2 tablet uses e-ink technology, which is designed to mimic the appearance of printed text on paper. This makes it easy to read for long periods of time without causing eye strain, which is a common problem with LCD screens.

  3. Long battery life: The Remarkable 2 has a long battery life, which means that you can use it for extended periods of time without needing to charge it. This is especially useful for people who need to take notes or draw for long periods of time.

  4. Handwriting recognition: The Remarkable 2 has handwriting recognition technology, which means that it can convert your handwritten notes and drawings into digital text. This makes it easier to search for specific notes or share your work with others.

Overall, the Remarkable 2 offers a number of benefits over using traditional paper and pen. It is portable, easy on the eyes, and has a long battery life, making it a convenient and comfortable way to take notes and draw.


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