How to use the 2023 Productivity Planner

At the start of each year, it's common to set resolutions and goals for the coming months. But without a proper plan in place, it can be easy to lose track of your objectives and fall short of your goals. That's where the 2023 Productivity Planner comes in.

Our planner is designed to help you set and track your goals, stay organized, and boost your productivity. It's the perfect companion for anyone looking to improve their personal or professional life in the new year.

The planner starts with a goal setting section, where you can write down your long-term and short-term goals, as well as individual goal pages for the “WHY” and any action steps you need to take to achieve them. From there, each month starts with goal setting and ends with a monthly reflection, to help you write down your achievements and stay on track with your goals. This can be especially handy when you are reflecting on your year or even asking for a raise.

Besides the goal setting and reflection, the 2023 productivity planner also helps you track the:

  • 2023 bucket list: This section is a list of all the things you want to happen in the new year. Consider including both big and small activities, places you want to go, projects you want to start, or people you want to meet, and use this section to stay motivated and inspired.

  • Key dates: This section includes a calendar of important dates for the entire year. You can use this section to stay on top of deadlines, appointments, and other important events.

  • 2023 overview calendar: This section includes a calendar for the entire year, giving you a bird's eye view of the year ahead. Use this section to plan out your year and see how your goals and tasks fit into the bigger picture.

In addition, the 2023 digital planner is a great tool for day-to-day planning with the daily pages to help you stay organized and on top of your tasks. These pages are split into five sections:

  • Non-Negotiables: The three things that must happen on that day. Your non-negotiables help you practice self-care, honor your boundaries, move towards your goals or simply be the best version of yourself.

  • Daily Ticks: Quick tasks that can be completed in 10 minutes or less. These tasks can be ticked off between calls or other tasks.

  • Tasks: Tasks that are meant to take about an hour and should be scheduled in your calendar.

  • Projects: Tasks that may take several days to complete and also require time blocking in your calendar.

  • Today’s Schedule: Your calendar for the day where you plan out your time to accommodate everything you want or need to do that day. Time-blocking is a great productivity tool that helps you get things done, and at the same time, it can tell you if you are an overachiever or if you have time to include some more tasks or meetings that day.

With the 2023 Productivity Planner, you'll have everything you need to set and achieve your goals in the new year. So why wait? Get started on your journey to a more productive and fulfilling life today!


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